Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of Grace

We are a monastery of Dominican contemplative nuns, at the heart of the Order of Preachers, living a life of prayer and penance. St. Dominic founded the nuns in 1206 to assist in the Order's mission of holy preaching for the salvation of souls. As Dominicans, we follow the Rule of St. Augustine, the hallmark of which is fraternal communion. Therefore, our life together in charity is the foundation and context for all the other observances as we strive to be “a living example of that reconciliation of all things in Christ which the brethren proclaim” (from the Constitutions of the Nuns of the Order of Preachers). Outstanding among these observances are the common life, the liturgy and prayer in secret, the vows, and the study of sacred truth. 

As the brethren are sent out to preach the Word, the nuns remain in the solitude of the cloister to receive that same Word. Through our lives of receptivity to the Eternal Word, nurtured through a life of  study,  prayer, and an intense common life, and further helped by silence and enclosure, we mature both in wisdom and charity. Our growth in holiness mysteriously vivifies the Order, the Church, and the world. Indeed, by God's grace, we are like that “fruitful vine” which the Psalmist describes as abiding in the recesses of the house.


Sister Maria of the Angels, O.P.
Novice Mistress
Monastery of Our Lady of Grace
11 Race Hill Road
North Guilford, CT 06437



Professed Members: 22
Year Founded: 1947
Archdiocese: Hartford, CT
Qualifications: Between 20 and 35 years of age, good psychological and physical health, experience of living in community with those outside of family (recommended), a capacity for silence and solitude, a love for the Church's liturgy, and a capacity and/or an openness to fruitfully engage in study.
Formation: 1 year postulancy; 2 year novitiate; 5 years of temporary vows (according to Cor Orans)
Age range/limit: 20-35
Belated vocations? No